for all classes make sure Soul link is active an Fel Armor
an Nightfall procs for a reason use it an abuse
An learn the specific buffs each class gets for certain Spec
This will save your life
Mage: (E Z Own)
Pet needed - felpuppy (i keep him on aggresive for duels )
in this fight /lol is very useful cause felhunter can basically solo anything bellow S2 gear
for better mages Amp Curse, CoA ,corruption, Syphon life applied first
Drain Life should be used when your health drops to 70%
(Fire mage/Pom pyro)
watch for fire ball cast an fear or deathcoil
always follow death coil with fear
(Ice mage)
their pet is annoying but genrally not to much of a problem
when your health an resil get up there (banish during duels or 1v1 is kinda time consuming
but if you are in arena an they are focusing on someone else banish is not a bad idea
other than that keep felpuppy out an own mages from dusk til; dawn
Pet needed - Void Walker
CoW or Amp Curse CoA (kinda have to decide based on hunters gear ), Corruption,
always try an jump in close to them get in their dead zone
Syphon Life
(BM hunter) this is where you will need to watch enemy buffs
wait for Noob Within to fade, Death coil follow up with fear (follow hunter as he runs ) reapply dots
as needed, before fear breaks try an get in close an use howl of terror to get pet an hunter off of you
Drain Life when your health hits 70%
BM hunters can be a pain in the ass but with resil an stam gems you can Drain tank them fairly well
(MM Hunter)
Main thing in this fight is stay in close (deadzone = Dead MM)
when get in immediately Death Coil follow up with fear chase in drain life (if your health is ok drain mana on them) during fear an
watch for fear to break fear again
MM hunters will try an drain your mana with viper sting you nothing to do but life tap an kick their ass
Drain there mana when possible an their auto shots will be like nerf bats hitting you
(Survival Hunters are useless)
Warrior :
Pet needed - Void Walker
Resil an Stam are very important in this fight
All warriors are fought the same regardless of spec (cept prot you really don't need CoW)
Stay close so they cannot charge you
CoW , corruption, syphon life, Drain Tank watch out they have fear immune for most of battle
test a couple fears if you get chance but most of time it is waste of mana
use death coil attempt a fear at 50% of their health amp curse CoA Sac void for bubble
an fear them fel Domination bring out another void remember Soul Link an Drain tank him
Drood :
Pet needed - felpuppy should suffice for all of them
Amp Curse CoA , corruption, syphon life
They will caste their dumbass trees on you howl of terror them off
Death coil Drood chain fear Drain Life = Dead drood
Apply Dots Drain Life when your health hits 80% Death coil an chain fear Drain Life
Mana Drain will help in this battle if they run let them an sit down an drink , don't chase them your dots
will follow them no matter where they run , try an catch them with a death coil an chain fear them as much
as possible
Healers tend to be more of an annoyance than a threat 1v1
Priest :
Amp Curse CoA , Corruption, Syphon Life
Pet needed - Felpuppy
Shadow Ward should go up as soon as you even think you see a shadow priest
This way it's CD will be up two or three more times during battle
if they are smart they will try an mana burn you so chain fear is good policy
followed with Drain Life (mana if you are above 80% health)
Death coil during their mind flaye an resume fears
VERY IMPORTANT !!!! - Watch for shadow ward to reactivate an re apply when it does
Your Drain mana is very important in this battle
Drain Life if you think you need it
again they do more healing so mostly just a damn annoyance keep dots on them an fears
Death Coil if you see them trying for greater heal
side not you can fear Priest while they are bubbled so do it
PALLY: (bubble - noobs)
Pet Needed - felpuppy
K this is basic Dot Dot Fear only thing you might use different is CoT when they get low on health
when they buble pick your /taunt an wait it out keep felpuppy on them
hold Death coil back until you see them trying to cast their Big heal an you have owned every Pally
Warlock: (face yourself) movie ref ftw
Pet Needed : Felpuppy
shadow ward is your friend as soon as you see lock shadow ward up so CD will be up
for more cast in battle. Amp Curse CoA , corruption , syphon life
This battle is mainly a gear war
keep your dots up a well placed Death Coil during a fear is gg
fears an drain life
banish is useless for Sl cause their felpuppy hasd like 1million resist
(Destro) (annoying an a deadly enemy if geared)
For this Drain mana when you see them go immune to your spells an Drain life when not immune
chain fear Banish their pet during first fear chain .
Biggest thing here is mana conservation so watch for their nether protection to proc
(Afflic) (squishy much?)
Fear an Banish their pet
these guys do lots Damage so keep em feared an death coil when you see them casting fear ,
try an stay out of range of their instant HoT.
if you just chain fear an Drain Life you will out last these Sl/Sl wannabes
Pet needed - Felpuppy
Amp Curse CoA , corruption, syphon life
These guys will rape your face with wind fury an all their totems
Death Coil Chain fears an keep dots applied while Draining life
they will put a beating on you have Healthstone rdy for this battle
kinda Like a fire mage with more armor
nothing big here drag them away from their totems with fears an such things
not a hard fight here keep dots up an Drain Life at 70% of your health
Big annoyance here Drain their mana when you can an keep your dots on them
watch for big heals to fear an Death Coil Nightfall procs help a lot in this one.
Rogue : (the bane of all locks OP to the max)
Pet needed : Void Walker
This will be the hardest fight of your life no matter what noob spec
they are
CoE , corruption, syphon life
wait for them to burn their Cloak of Noob (CoS)
Death Coil them chain fear them Drain life in between fear chains
amp curse when they hit 50% an CoA when you hit 70 % an before your third fear
sac void walker fear them ,fel Domination bring out new Void walker (soul link it)
pray you get lucky
Drain Tank them as a last resort usually if it comes to this their cheat Death will Save their noob asses
keeping CoE on them an staying away from them is big part in this fight
Side note on Undead fighting :
watch for teir will of forsaken to pass it looks liek teh face of undead on their buffs
wasting mana on fears during this is not a good thing...
Action Bar -
1. Num Pad 1- shadow bolt
2.Num Pad 2- CoA
3. Num Pad 7- Fel Dom
4. Num Pad 6- Drain Soul
5. Num Pad 5- Drain Life
6 Num Pad 8- CoE
7. Num Pad 3 - Fear
8. Num Pad 4 Drain Mana
9. Num Pad 9 - life tap
11. Num Pad - Death coil
12 Num Pad 0 - corruption
Bottom Left Action Bar
9. F- Amp Curse
10. Num Pad + - syphon life
Bottom Right Action Bar
1.Right Arrow - Health Stones
2. Down Arrow - Banish
3. Delete - Trink (what ever you have )
5. Left Arrow -Racial
6. Up Arrow -Alliance trink
12 Num Pad . - shadow ward
Right Action Bar 2
1. Num Pad * - CoW
2. Num Pad / - Searing Pain
8. 3 - CoT
Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
Oscar Wilde